Saturday, 11 July 2009

Nokia N97 Global TV advert

For the last 7 months we have been working on a Global TV advert for Nokia's new Nseries phone the N97. The shoot consisted of shutting down a main road in down town LA for two days, 300 extras, one very large light that simulated the sun, and two months worth of CGI. Here are some photos of the shoot. The Director Oscar Holmedal from Style War and all the CGI magic was courtesy of the Mill.

A massive custom made poster goes up in preparation for the advert.

One of the extras between takes.

The three amigos who together made the advert. On the left the Director Oscar Holmedal from Style War, Crille Forsberg the DOP and Franck from MPC who was behind the CGI magic you see through out the advert.

Setting up.

Shooting the hands for the advert.

Oscar infront of the light that simulates the sun in the film. You couldn't look at this thing as it would burn your eyes!!

The sun light was on a stunt crane which was then dropped really fast.

One of the many lights being positioned.

The shoot went on through the late hours of the night.
The advert consists of three takes seamlessly joined together to create the 30 second advert. Take a look at the finished article. The music is Quick Broken Harpe by Kelpe and the voice over was supplied by Alex James from Blur.


girlinthecorneroffice said...

Hi! Cool advert! Just wanted to know what kind of headsest that dude in the advertisement was wearing. It looked totally cool. Thanks!

Tom Seymour 3D design said...

Hi! Thanks for the comment. The make of the headphones was Wesc here's their site See you around.